8-bit sRGB color with transparency as 32 bits ordered RGBA
You can create a color at compile-time (meaning there's no parsing at runtime) using comptimeFromString
const color = Color.comptimeFromString("#694200");
This means that if the color is wrong, a compile error will be thrown:
const color = Color.comptimeFromString("hello, world");
will throw during compile
error: 'hello, world' is not a valid color
You can also create a color at run-time using fromString
, note that this function may throw an error (which can be error.NotSupported
or error.InvalidLength
Both functions only accept two syntaxes:
- RGB hex (e.g.
to get{ .red = 0x69, .green = 0x42, .blue = 0x00 }
) - RGBA hex (e.g.
to get{ .red = 0x69, .green = 0x42, .blue = 0x00, .alpha = 0x88 }
At last, a Color can be created by filling in the struct fields manually:
const color = Color { .red = 0x69, .green = 0x42, .blue = 0x00, .alpha = 0x88 };
Colors can be linearly interpolated using capy.lerp(colorA, colorB, t)
or Color.lerp(colorA, colorB, t)
The former is preferred.
Currently this interpolation happens in the sRGB color space, but this is subject to changes in the following
Preset colors
All the following colors can be accessed quickly using declarations (e.g. Color.maroon
- maroon (#800000)
- red (#ff0000)
- orange (#ffa500)
- yellow (#ffff00)
- lime (#00ff00)
- green (#008000)
- olive (#808000)
- aqua (#00ffff)
- teal (#008080)
- blue (#0000ff)
- navy (#000080)
- fuchsia (#ff00ff)
- purple (#800080)
- black (#000000)
- gray (#808080)
- silver (#c0c0c0)
- white (#ffffff)
- transparent (#00000000)